Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More, and more, and morreee.

So, I don't know how many people actually look at these pictures but, if you do, you should let me know what you think about these two. . .
(I still haven't made the final touch ups. I'm waiting for my second mom to tell me what ones she wants fixed up. :] )


Amanda said...

I like! I love the one of him laughing and I love the red ones in the previous post. If I ever need some pics, you'll be the one behind the camera. My mom did our Christmas pic for us in August when she was here. It's hard bossing her around though, she doesn't know my camera at all!

Lauren. said...

Thanks, Amanda! And I'd love to do that, a lot. :)

The Romos said...

Lauren- I'm telling you that we need to set a date for Mario and I to tickle your artistic eye.

I really like the bottom one, not sure if it's the photo or well the photo I suppose.